河崎呈 ー動画先生ー はてな公式ブログ

河崎呈 ー動画先生ー はてな公式ブログ

【エストニア共和国での活動開始のご報告】〜Started volunteering in Estonia.〜

この度LiveYourDreams inc,がエストニア共和国で活動を開始したことをご報告します。


We happily announce that our company, LiveYourDreams inc,  has started volunteering in Estonia.


Estonia is known as an advanced IT country, and Estonian entrepreneurs make better each other every day.



We have started supporting young Estonian entrepreneurs to be known by the world by making their documentary films. We share their vision, history, and information about their product.



Odate city, Akita, is cooperating us to experiment the STREAM education in Japan.



All Japanese elementary schools are required to add programming class from next year. In Odate city, the elementary and junior high school students created projection mapping these years. We, LiveYourDreams, and the city are planning a new curriculum for the programming class using robots. Due to lacking a job is a serious problem in the countryside in Japan, we hope the student feel the programming closer and recognize that programming can be their future job.


科学、テクノロジー、ロボット、エンジニアリング、アート、数学 (Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts and Math)を意識した教育。


Please keep your eyes on us in Estonia!

PRTimes様にLiveYourDreams Inc,がエストニア共和国で活動を開始したことを取り上げていただきました。

Our activity in Estonia has been reported on PRTimes website.

